Sunday, August 30, 2020



Paulo Coelho once said, "No one can hit the target with one eye closed." It's impossible to safely drive a car with a substandard headlight. Having poor vision while driving might lead to unfortunate accidents, and replacing those dimmed headlights is the only solution to achieve the perfect vision while driving. We also suggest you settle for online motor insurance as a provisional measure. 

Replacing a headlight bulb is not difficult since most vehicles nowadays come with Halogen Bulbs and LED Lights, which are very easy to replace. 


Precautionary Steps:

● Choose a clean workspace with good lighting to work on your car.

● Use rubber gloves for safety and a floormat to comfortably sit or lie down and work. 

● Use marking pens to mark the points where the wires should be connected. 

● Identify the type of light you need for replacement or show the old light to the shopkeeper and ask for help. 

● Avoid touching the glass part of the headlight when you replace it because the oil in your hands could affect the intensity of the bulbs and might cause some distortion. 

Once you have replaced the headlights perfectly, check if you have online motor insurance for your safety and get one, if you don't have one.



Steps to replace your headlights: 

Step 1. Kill the Power

Power down your car and take the keys off the ignition for safety.


Step 2. Open the Hood

Open your car's engine compartment and locate the headlight holder at the front end of your car. 


Step 3. Disconnect the wires

Once you've successfully located the holder, carefully disconnect the headlight wires attached to the circuit. Usually, three wires are connected to the headlights, so carefully pull down the attached clips. Don't hesitate to read your car's manual for assistance.


Step 4. Unscrew the old headlight

After you've disconnected the wires successfully, notice how the bulb is locked in, and carefully unscrew them, and pull out. It is sad to say that if you break the clips connected to the bulb, you will have to replace the whole headlight. 


Step 5. Screw-in the New Bulb

Without touching the bulb's glass, gently screw in the new Halogen or LED Bulb and attach those clips to them. Close the hood and restart your car to heat the bulb and check if they're functioning properly. Now enjoy your drive safely.

Foods those are good for your heart


Maintaining a healthy heart is an inevitable one. There are multiple ways to maintain a healthy heart. Food is prominent in them. Heart risks are maximum because of the bad fat stored in our body. When we concentrate on eating habits, the effort to reduce bad fat is mostly not required. Do consider checking out the best health insurance in India. The following are the foods that are good for your heart.


Vegetables: Red, yellow and orange vegetables like carrot, tomatoes, red capsicum, and sweet potatoes are high in fibre and protein, which is good for your heart. 


Fruits: Orange, papayas serves best for your heart. They are packed it beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, and fibre. Avocados, in turn, have the highest monounsaturated fats that will reduce the risk of heart diseases. 

Berries: Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries are good for your heart. Try adding them to your everyday diet. They are a full pack of phytonutrients and fibre. 


Cherry: Cherries consumed as frozen, dried, canned, or juice has multiple benefits to your heart health. Comparing to other fruits, they have the highest diseases fighting antioxidants in them.


Whole grains: Whole grains have a good amount of fibre than refined grains. These fibres will help you in good heart health by lowering the bad cholesterol in your body. Oats, barley, wheat, brown rice are considered to be whole grains. 


Fish and fish oil: Fish are loaded with good form of omega-three fatty acids. Consuming fish in a long turn will reduce the risk of total cholesterol, blood sugar level, and blood pressure. Not fond of seafood? Alternatively, you can consume fish oil supplements.


Nuts: Be it walnuts, almonds both have a complete pack of fibre and micronutrients like magnesium, manganese, and copper. Consuming them as a snack will lower your appetite, and in turn, your cholesterol and bad fat will be reduced. It is good food for your heart health.



Dark chocolate: Multiple studies have proved that regular consumption of dark chocolate will have 30 to 57% of the lowered risk for coronary heart diseases. When sugar is bad for heart health, you can consume something sweet yet healthy. Look for the besthealth insurance in India.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Exercises that require no equipment

In this contemporary world, everyone owns gadgets and machines and make sure they work well by doing periodical services. It is because of the fact that we are conscious of the pennies we spent on them. Sadly, we fail to service the body that earned us those pennies. The only way you could care and service your body is by exercising. For such a vital thing, lack of equipment is a lame excuse. You can very well workout without any equipment and can achieve your fitness goals. Also, be aware of the online health insurance plans, which will be of great use.

Outline of a non-equipped exercise protocol:
Warm-up: It is nothing but performing free movements of all joints starting from your neck joint to ankle. This is the most crucial process because this loosens muscles, activates your ligaments, and facilitates your proprioception, all necessary to exercise without getting hurt.

Stretches: This is another important phase of your exercise protocol. You need not complicate this part either. You can perform basic stretches. This is being done to elongate your muscle fibers and activate tendons to make it easy for you to make complex moves and postures.

Stick to your goals: The prior two steps are enough to activate your body muscles and joints, which will otherwise be dormant and might lead to adhesions, cramps, etc. To proceed further, you must be clear about what part of your body you are working on.

A simple exercise regime to appear fit:

The common goals of most of the people are attractive arms, flat abs, and toned thigh. By performing the following exercise, you can achieve these goals and can attain an overall fit profile.

1.     Squats
2.     Pushups (start with modified pushups if the proper one seems difficult)
3.     Plank
4.     Bicycle crunches
5.     Mountain climbers
6.     Bird dog
7.     Bicycle crunches
8.     Pelvic bridging
9.     Lunges
10   Burpees

Begin with five counts each and progress up to your energy level, the more the count, the better the benefit. But remember to progress gradually. Get to know about health insurance policy for family.

Here are ten things you need to know about your car

Learning to drive a car is not tough; maintaining your car in good condition is. Ignoring the cost, you not only money but also your safety is at stake. Look for Car insurance prices in India. Here are ten things you need to know about your car. 

A primary safety factory is very important. If the steering wheel vibrates when you apply brakes, then you should inspect them immediately. 

Engine Oil-
Proper engine oil helps in lubrication, cooling, and healing of your engine. Not having the right grade or quantity of oil will lead to high wear and tear, low mileage, and unscheduled maintenance. Stick to the manufacturer-recommended oil and replace it at regular intervals.

Spare Tires-
Flat tire? Spare tires to the rescue. Never forget to have spare tires and equipment to change them in your car. Ensure that the tire is inflated correctly and doesn't have a malfunctioning valve or any cracks or bulges. 

Vehicle fluids-
There are other fluids that you should pay attention to other than engine oil. Use manufacturer- recommended fluids for Coolant Power, Steering Fluid, Brake Fluid, and Windshield Washer Fluid. Changing them at regular intervals is mandatory.

Windshield Wiper blades-
Harder rubber in the windshield wiper will not clean properly. The importance of windshield wipers is known only when you drive in the rain with an unclear windscreen. Change them every six months.

Tire Pressure-
The right pressure on your tires is most important. High inflation to your tires will cause more pressure and faster wear and tear. In contrast, low inflation will lead to poor performance and increased fuel consumption. 

Taillights and Headlights-
Regularly checking the lights' condition is a preventive measure that can quickly help you avoid unfortunate accidents. They get dimmer with time. Repair/change them when you see they need attention.

Replacing shocks are important for a smooth and comfortable ride. Shocks get worn out when you experience heat rattling on slopes or more bumps while driving.

Emergency Kit-
A car can break down at any time, regardless of the good maintenance. An emergency kit is a necessity, and it should include tire gauge, jumper cables, flashlight, duct tape, tow rope, glass wipe, and gloves.

Car Maintenance-
Sticking to the service schedule is vital even if your car is in good condition. Make sure you look for Car insurance prices in India.

How to develop healthier habits?

The very first step that you can take towards a happy life is health. Healthier habits could be as simple as changing your regular food habit, buy health insurance online in India s or performing yoga or giving up smoking. But the steps involved to take a healthier habit remains the same. Here are a few simple thoughts that can help you organize a healthier lifestyle. 

1. Track your habits

To change your lifestyle, you first need to identify all the derogatory habits in your routine. This could be as simple as noon naps. Start tracking your routine and find the ones that might cause health issues. Understanding your habits is the primary and most important step in developing healthier habits. 

2. Start small

You don’t have to set up huge goals like 2 hours of work out. Start simple like waking up early and sitting for meditation or Going for early morning walks and jogs. These small changes will leave a significant impact on your life as well. Try to eat nutritious homemade food. Stick to a proper sleep-wake schedule. Stay hydrated and avoids smoking or alcohol. 

3. Set reminders

Track your goals by setting up reminders. With your smart phones and smart gadgets, all this is relatively simple. Set a reminder for all the habits that you wish to track and include. This will enable you to take up healthy lifestyle habits. 

4. Work as a team

This is an idea that benefits, not just you, but also the people around. When you pick a diet plan or a workout routine, try to include the members of your family or friends. Working together will make the habit fun and easy. 

5. Never give up

Changing habits that you have been following for years together is a difficult task. Ti takes time. If you find yourself slipping back and picking up your bad habits, don’t lose heart. Start again, and try avoiding them in the future. Because to err is human. 

Along with all these healthier habits, buy health insurance online inIndia, to protect you from unexpected health issues. You can also buy health insurance online in India from your homes with just a few simple steps. Make a new start towards a healthier lifestyle from today.